Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Newsweek Precis

Rhetorical Precis:
Pulling the Plug on Oil

America’s dependency on foreign oil, and the effects of this dependence is discussed in the article “Pulling the Plug on Oil” by Steven Chu. Chu is a Nobel Prize winning physicists and the U.S. Secretary of Energy. Chu argues that by reducing our dependence on oil and by expressing ideas regarding the use of biofuels and hybrid our electrical cars, America will better the environmental conditions of the earth for future generations and better our living conditions. Chu uses facts to support his ideas and statements that energy conservation is possible, “…by choosing to buy fuel-efficient cars, take public transportation, or join a ar pool. These steps will save families money and will help keep oil more affordable by reducing demand. Chu states that energy conservation is just as important as our reduction of oil consumption when he mentions how solar and wind energy will help America transition from oil. While critiquing America’s oil dependency, “…we import nearly 60 percent of our oil.” Chu also praises the rich resources to be found in the Midwest of America, “We must depend…on the farm fields of the Midwest and on our vast wind and solar resources here at home.” Chu’s purpose is to explain how American should start to avoid oil, and begin to rely on its on resources so that future generations can have better environmental conditions; his audience is comprised of environmentalists and possibly concerned U.S. citizens who want to make a change in the environment.

Style: Does the facts and personal opinions in the article have a more positive or negative effect on the thoughts regarding the environment of the reader?
Application: With so much media pertaining to the environment and oil dependency, how would this affect other countries?

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